AHA Cleansing gel

2.100 ден.
Шифра на производ: AHA Cleansing gel
Достапност (кол. на залиха): На залиха

A 3-in-1 Formula for an upgraded beauty regime:
1.Glycolic Acids and Fruid Acids that belong to Alpha Hydroxy Acids(AHA), redine the uppermost layers
for a fresher, softer and cleaner skin.

2. RHA Resilient Hyaluronic Acid(HA), a resistant HA that creates a protective layer on the skin, reinforcing its hydration.

3.A mix of 5 carefully selected lightening ingridients that is designed to block the formation of dark spots.


To be used one a day. Apply it on a moistened face and neck (avoid contact with the eyes).
To be lathered and rinsed thoroughly with lukewarm water.

AHA Cleansing gel is suitable for all skin types, except sensitive skin.

Perfectly designed to work in synergy with Teoxane's skincare product range.


wqdwddwdwdwwdmwmdwkmdwhydroxy acids (AHAs) are a group of natural and syntheticingredients that, when properly formulated, can exfoliate the uppermost layers of skin1. One type of AHA, Glycolic Acid, effectively removes dead skin cells to make the skin brighter and appear more even. Fruit Acids, another type of AHA, encourage instantly softer, smoother skin and the brightening complex provides a multi-target delivery system that works by blocking the formation of dark spots through a delivery of well selected ingredients.

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  • +38970221389 +38970221389
  • gavrilovski@ipsum.mk gavrilovski@ipsum.mk
  • Ipsummedicalsolution
